BECAA East Coast is a non-profit organization for the past four decades in the United States of America. Most of the students that graduated from IIEST (formerly Bengal Engineering College, Shibpur) Kolkata, India are familiar with BECAA which was established by the alumnus in 1971. Our members are well established in their profession, have knowledge and power to run all facets of life.
We are proud to announce that we have taken many initiatives and would like to launch our services to both our alumnus and present student body so they can get the benefit of these services and fulfill the goals and aspirations of their lives. Here is the list of the salient features of our services:
1. Plan (drive and direct) in their job search ventures by providing useful information.
2. Do (deploy, support and, participate) Welcome the new arrivals to the US and let them know we are here for them.
3. Check (review) – Our members will be at constant vigil to make sure that they are being serviced.

4. Act (recognize, communicate, revise) – Update our web site that will be published in our tech journals of varied information it is a way to communicate with our alumnus.

5. Besides these, other activities involve social and professional networking among us.

This concise, yet comprehensive treatment of public leadership is designed for upper level and graduate students, and can also serve as a guidebook for professionals in the field.
We would like to thank all of the seminar participants to prepare this guideline for BECAA.